As if two working adults with three kids and two (“oh-lawd-help-them”) hound dogs wasn’t enough to keep them busy, we decided to take in another 14 more non-tax-deductable dependents.
No, not all 14 at once. That would be insane. Pffft. I’m not including the ones from previous years.
Still, I don’t know how or where we found the time or energy, but we did it. Getting up to feed puppies and dogs, changing pens, outside time, baths (maybe we could have done better here), evening feedings, and of course all the “output”. It was a lot of effort we all put in knowing it’s 14 less dogs that might have less than desirable fates.
While the kids also absolutely LOVE having puppies (what feels like) constantly, we’re going to admit it’s time for a break, at least for now. There’s too much happening this summer with wedding planning.
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